Volunteer as a subject matter expert - focus on a specific tool or technique - coming soon

For example, if you are a React expert then it would be useful to have you around for when our React learners need a leg up. You would also be able to contribute to our React syllabus.

Coming soon...

We are still getting our ducks in a row on this type of volunteering. We are just gauging interest for now. So please tell us if you are interested!

Who can apply

You can apply for this if you have experience in a specific tool or framework and want to help people understand that one thing.

What counts as experience?

Actually using the tool or technique on a real project. If you just did a tutorial then that doesn't count. Work experience, open source contributions and significant personal projects count as experience.

User journey

There are a few different ways you can help

Syllabus updates

You can read through our syllabus and update anything that has fallen out of date. This is a workload that we need to do from time to time.

If this is something you are interested in doing then we will need to show you a little bit about how our syllabus works, and what our content strategy is. You will also need to be comfortable with Github.

Helping stuck learners - tutoring

If learners are struggling with something you are experienced in then we would like to set up meetings between you and the learners so that you can help them understand the work and move forward.


These will be larger, longer workshops. Pulling off a good, engaging masterclass in an online environment is hard. Picking a useful topic is also hard. If you are interested in doing this then we will help you prepare.

Last updated